

Full Name Patrick May
Location Orlando, Florida
Languages English


  • 2020 - 2024
    Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science
    The College of Wooster, Wooster Ohio, United States
    • The College of Wooster is America's premier college for mentored undergraduate research. It is located in Wooster, ohio, with approximately 2,000 students. For the past 10+ years, it has ranked as the best higher education institution for senior capstone projects. Read More
    • Minor(s)
      • Mathematics
      • Music
    • GPA : 4.0/4.0
    • Awards
      • College Scholar Award
      • Music Performance Award
      • Dean's List
      • Edward Taylor Prize

Tools and Skills

  • Programming Languages - Python, C++, Groovy, Java, C, Zig, SQL, Dart, R, Haskell, Go, Arm ASM, Rust, Bash
  • Tools - Git & Github, Docker, Linux (WSL, Kali), Wireshark, Azure DevOps, MSSQS, Docker
  • Framework & Libraries - polars, numpy, jupyter, flask, Flutter,


  • August 2023 - Ongoing
    Junior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer 1
    Webstauraunt Store
    • Sticking around part time during my fall senior semester, continuing and slightly expanding responsibilities from internship, with reduced weekly hours.
  • Summer 2023
    QA Automation Engineer Intern
    Webstaurant Store
    • Complete 15+ automation testing tickets with an average complexity size of 24 hours per ticket.
    • Utilize in-house Groovy framework built upon Selenium Grid for test creation, integration, and management.
    • Analyze large production databases and create performant SQL queries based on observations.
  • 2023 - ongoing
    Teaching Assistant
    The College of Wooster
    • Assist students in solving problems and understanding various concepts within discrete math
    • Provide mentoring in fundamental data structures and algorithms class using C++
    • Improve algorithm analysis course structure through seeking extended visualizations and practice problems
    • Lecture about select computer science topics and create handouts to aid in students learning throughout lessons
    • Received professional development in areas of education, group management, and networking
  • Summer 2022
    Software Engineering Researcher
    Carnegie Mellon University
    • Conducted novel research in the area of secure programming in computer science education
    • Created a user study, gathered research subjects, and extracted knowledge from qualitative data
    • Presented findings to world class professors, coworkers, and guests
  • 2021 - 2023
    Virtual Reality Lab Technician
    The College of Wooster
    • Design and remodel lab to be a space for students to experience and research virtual reality
    • Compile documentation of introductory virtual reality materials to help other students get started
  • Summer 2021
    New Student Mentor (ARCHer)
    The College of Wooster
    • Liaised between college peers, faculty, and staff through means such as email, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom
    • Advised incoming first-year students on what courses would fit their personal and academic interests
  • 2023 - ongoing
    Hans H. Jenny Investment Club
    • Stepping away from executive position in the club in order to be able to devote more time towards my independent senior thesis
    • Manage and perform fundamental analysis on various securities to recommend actions on our multi-million dollar portfolio which has outperformed pegged index by 16% on average annually
  • 2022 - 2023
    Executive Vice President
    Hans H. Jenny Investment Club
    • Research and manage the student-run club's investment portfolio of ~$10 Million in assets, to outperform pegged metrics by more than 10%
    • Monitor portfolio risk and manage portfolio to keep risks within desired volatility parameters
    • Manage officers and club activities to increase participation, engagement, and diversity
  • 2020 - 2021
    Hans H. Jenny Investment Club
  • 2020 - 2021
    Hans H. Jenny Investment Club


  • Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
    Static Analysis Energy Tool
  • Fall 2023
    Independent Study Analyzer
    • Created a simple webscraper using Go to harvest 12,000 college theses papers’ metadata.
    • Automated retrieval of all 6,000 accessible full-text pdf theses using python and selenium.
    • Constructed a 6,000 entry by 92 observation dataset using GPU accelerated natural language pipelines and existing lexical analysis software.
    • Performed exploratory data analysis and fitted various regression models to the lexical thesis data using R.
  • Spring 2022
    • A dynamic script analysis tool created off of Intel PowerLog3.0 and specific language logging wrappers.
    • Culminated in a 25 page research paper about software profiling, energy optimization, etc.
    • Gleaned meaningful insights from large logfiles using polars, a Rust-based dataframe and datawrangling library, for creating visualizations
  • Fall 2022
    • Created a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter and Dart to assist in navigating big-box stores with asimple user interface, which we improved use and accessibilty by ∼60% through using focus groups
    • Queried store RESTFul APIs to get store inventories, so that a shopping route based on a user’s shopping list using could be made.
    • Constructed a NoSql database, Hive, to perform CRUD on user data much faster than other (No)SQL databases.
  • Spring 2022
    CRUD Lifter
    • Created a full-stack web application to journal fitness data using Flask, for individual use
    • Built a mySQL database normalized towards 3NF using SQL to store arbitrary amounts of user data.
    • Wrote an API to interface to the database, and created many unit tests using Python to verify performance throughout development cycle
  • Spring 2022
    Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualizer
    • Engineered a graph traversal algorithm visualizer using Python and NetworkX to display the process of Djikstra’s algorithm on any graph
    • Animated the traversal through the graph using Matplotlib to help peers understand routing algorithms


  • 2023
    • Goldwater Scholarship Nominee
  • 2022
    • Ohio Wesleyan Programming Competition, First Place
  • 2018
    • Canada Talks Pharma Highest Rated Presentation (Keynote Speech)
  • 2013
    • Association of Fundraising Professionals Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy Award

Career Interests

  • Software Engineering
    • back-end engineering
    • systems engineering
    • secure programming
    • network development
  • Quality Assurance
    • QA Automation
    • API testing
    • documentation development

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Competetive Programming, Calisthenics, Cello Performance, Video Gaming, Weightlifting,