Visitor Design Pattern

group project, class lecture, and examples about the visitor pattern

A short writeup about the visitor pattern, housing resources used in-class as well as some additional notes

Lecture Slides

Visitor Pattern, 15 April 2024

Code Example

Geometry Program Example

Abridged Notes

The Visitor is a behavioral design pattern that allows for separation of methods from a collection of objects at different levels in an inheritance heirarchy. The GoF book mentions a “heterogenous collection” of objects.

Behavioral patterns focus on how different classes and groups interact (or behave 😉), while Structural patterns focus on how classes and objects are composed, through is-a, has-a, interfaces, etc. Essentially, the pattern is focused on how something is structured.

Consider writing a program that deals with different types of files. We want to save these files somehow, but I will argue that “saving” a file is not a method of a .PDF, .MOV, .TXT object. It somewhat violates the single responsibility principle to have a file know how to save itself in the context of a larger system.

class PDFFile {
    void save() {}

class TXTFile {
    void save() {}

class MOVFile {
    void save() {}

Instead of having a <fileType>.save() method in every implementation, we instead separate all save methods to a separate actor:

class FileSaver {
    void save(PDFFile f) {}
    void save(TXTFile f) {}
    void save(MOVFile f) {}

Since these file types represent differnt underlying formats, how we save them may be different, so a separate method is needed for each.

However, due to restrictions of most programming languages, we cannot simple use FileSaver as a utility class to save files, due to single dispatch. In analogy, we cannot just start from the FileSaver, feed it arbitrary files, and have it save all of them correctly.

Instead, FileSaver must visit each of the files first, such that they can then <fileType>.accept(visitor). This is a workaround that allows for double dispatch to be used under the hood. Hand waving the compiler specifics, this seemingly additional step allows for us to get runtime benefits without messy type casting.